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May 17, 2022

Can You Buy Bitcoin Without Verification?

May 17, 2022

The majority of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency transactions made through reputable crypto exchanges require verification, and for good reason. With the huge amounts of money sloshing around these platforms, it’s good to know who you’re dealing with, on both sides.

But what if you want to buy Bitcoin without verification, and do it safely? Many want to buy Bitcoin as quickly and as easily as possible. Some just want to remain anonymous, which is not unreasonable – not all of us are comfortable uploading our personal details online.

Many are now looking for a simpler approach, where they can buy bitcoins without verification but still enjoy the same level of security. 

How can I buy Bitcoin anonymously?

There are several ways to buy Bitcoin anonymously, both offline and online, but not all are equally safe. 

Offline options include buying via one of the many Bitcoin ATMs popping up all over the world, or by buying Bitcoin face-to-face through a private seller.

The biggest advantage of these methods is that you’ve given away practically no personal information during the transaction. Once you’ve traded your cash for Bitcoin, you’ve made an anonymous purchase, with no Bitcoin verification procedures required.     

Bitcoin ATMs aren’t the most convenient of options, though, and unless you live in a big city, you’re probably looking at a drive of several hours to get to one. Also, the fees for Bitcoin ATMs are usually significantly higher than an online exchange, and the ATM can suffer from technical problems, causing you to be unable to complete your transaction.

The potential risks with buying Bitcoin face-to-face are obvious. Whenever you’re meeting up with a stranger to buy or sell something, extreme caution is always advised.

If you’re going to buy bitcoins without verification, there will inevitably be extra challenges if you choose to do it offline. That’s not to say buying your Bitcoin online will automatically be safer. There are plenty of crypto internet scams it’s good to be aware of, but if you’re going to buy Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency without going through the verification process, the safest way to do it is online through a regulated exchange.

Physical Bitcoin token on padlock illustrating the importance of security when buying Bitcoin

Security is an important consideration when buying Bitcoin.

Why is the Bitcoin verification standard still important?

Just like in every other high-value market, fraud and theft are unfortunately alive and well when it comes to buying Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. 

Cryptocurrency has become big business. Between bitcoins and altcoins, the market is worth billions, and your wallet can be worth tens, or even hundreds, of thousands of dollars if invested well. You’re potentially making some pretty substantial transactions through it, and that’s why a licensed exchange will still require verification for larger purchases. 

Verification, also referred to as Know Your Customer (KYC), protects you and your assets, and helps us work within the law. Anti-terrorism and money laundering statutes require us to conduct a degree of verification on transactions over a certain amount. KYC helps prevent money laundering and ransomware attacks, which is why we only allow our customers to buy crypto without KYC checks when they buy $150 or less. 

Our aim here at xcoins.com has been to build a seamless and convenient crypto platform. We have several layers of security in place, including verification checks, that are designed to protect your wallet and your cryptocurrency. Even if you’ve chosen to buy Bitcoin anonymously with us, you can be sure that the transaction will be secure.

Now that you know how to safely buy bitcoins without verification, sign up with xcoins.com for free and discover exactly how we can help you buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies quickly and easily. 

To stay up to date on all things crypto, like Xcoins on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I buy Bitcoin anonymously?

While no transactions are completely anonymous at xcoins.com, you can buy Bitcoin without verification up to $150. To protect yourself and your money from fraud or theft, you should always use a licensed and regulated cryptocurrency platform like xcoins.com.

How can I buy Bitcoin without verification?

You can buy Bitcoin without verification using one of the many Bitcoin ATMs that now exist, face to face, or via some crypto platforms, including through xcoins.com on orders up to $150. Only a legitimate online Bitcoin exchange like xcoins.com will have the necessary security protections in place.

Does xcoins.com require verification?

Our priority is protecting our customers and their assets as well as preventing fraud and money laundering. This is why we only allow our customers to buy Bitcoin without verification on orders of $150 or less.


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